1. 7780s Studio. 2014. P.T. Game [PlayStation 4]. Konami Tokyo Japan. 7780s Studio. 2014. P.T. Game [PlayStation 4]. Konami Tokyo Japan.
2. Ernest Adams. 2014. Fundamentals of game design (3rd ed.). New Riders Berkeley California. http://proquest.tech.safaribooksonline.de/9780133435726 Ernest Adams. 2014. Fundamentals of game design (3rd ed.). New Riders Berkeley California. http://proquest.tech.safaribooksonline.de/9780133435726
3. An update on the effects of playing violent video games
4. Johan Backman Albin Casparsson Robin Grönberg Magnus Hagmar Jonathan Nilsfors and Linnéa Otterlind. 2015. End of the Road: A Case Study in Building a Horror Game for Virtual Reality. Bachelorthesis. Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg. Johan Backman Albin Casparsson Robin Grönberg Magnus Hagmar Jonathan Nilsfors and Linnéa Otterlind. 2015. End of the Road: A Case Study in Building a Horror Game for Virtual Reality. Bachelorthesis. Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg.
5. Repeated Exposure to Video Game Play Results in Decreased Blood Pressure Responding