GANeRF: Leveraging Discriminators to Optimize Neural Radiance Fields


Roessle Barbara1,Müller Norman2,Porzi Lorenzo3,Bulò Samuel Rota3,Kontschieder Peter3,Niessner Matthias1


1. Technical University of Munich, Germany

2. Technical University of Munich, Germany and Meta Reality Labs Zurich, Switzerland

3. Meta Reality Labs Zurich, Switzerland


Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have shown impressive novel view synthesis results; nonetheless, even thorough recordings yield imperfections in reconstructions, for instance due to poorly observed areas or minor lighting changes. Our goal is to mitigate these imperfections from various sources with a joint solution: we take advantage of the ability of generative adversarial networks (GANs) to produce realistic images and use them to enhance realism in 3D scene reconstruction with NeRFs. To this end, we learn the patch distribution of a scene using an adversarial discriminator, which provides feedback to the radiance field reconstruction, thus improving realism in a 3D-consistent fashion. Thereby, rendering artifacts are repaired directly in the underlying 3D representation by imposing multi-view path rendering constraints. In addition, we condition a generator with multi-resolution NeRF renderings which is adversarially trained to further improve rendering quality. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves rendering quality, e.g., nearly halving LPIPS scores compared to Nerfacto while at the same time improving PSNR by 1.4dB on the advanced indoor scenes of Tanks and Temples.


ERC Starting Grant Scan2CAD


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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