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2. Son Ho, Oskar Abrahamsson, Ramana Kumar, Magnus O. Myreen, Yong Kiam Tan, and Michael Norrish. 2018. Proof-Producing Synthesis of CakeML with I/O and Local State from Monadic HOL Functions. In Automated Reasoning - 9th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2018, Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018, Oxford, UK, July 14--17, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz, and Roberto Sebastiani (Eds.), Vol. 10900. Springer, 646--662.
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4. Nicolas Koh, Yao Li, Yishuai Li, Li-yao Xia, Lennart Beringer, Wolf Honoré, William Mansky, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Steve Zdancewic. 2019. From C to interaction trees: specifying, verifying, and testing a networked server. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2019, Cascais, Portugal, January 14--15, 2019, Assia Mahboubi and Magnus O. Myreen (Eds.). ACM, 234--248.
5. Robbert Krebbers, Ralf Jung, Ales Bizjak, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, Derek Dreyer, and Lars Birkedal. 2017. The Essence of Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic. In ESOP.