1. Astrachan O. and Wallingford E. (1998) Loop Patterns. Available: htlp://www.cs.duke.edu/ -~ola/patterns/plopd/loops html Astrachan O. and Wallingford E. (1998) Loop Patterns. Available: htlp://www.cs.duke.edu/ -~ola/patterns/plopd/loops html
2. Bergin J. (1999) Patterns for Selection. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/ --bergin/patterns/selection.html Bergin J. (1999) Patterns for Selection. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/ --bergin/patterns/selection.html
3. Bergin J. (1997) Ten Pedagogical Patterns for Teaching Computer Science. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/ --bergin/PedPat 1.2.html. Bergin J. (1997) Ten Pedagogical Patterns for Teaching Computer Science. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/ --bergin/PedPat 1.2.html.
4. Bergin J. (1998) Six Pedagogical Patterns. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/Joergin/fivepedpat.html. Bergin J. (1998) Six Pedagogical Patterns. Available: http://csis.pace.edu/Joergin/fivepedpat.html.
5. A common model for problem solving and program development