1. Analysis of Explainers of Black Box Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision: A Survey
2. It Is Time for New Perspectives on How to Fight Bloat in GP
3. Maarten Keijzer and James Foster . 2007. Crossover Bias in Genetic Programming . In Genetic Programming, Marc Ebner, Michael O'Neill, Aniko Ekárt, Leonardo Vanneschi, and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcázar (Eds.) . Springer Berlin Heidelberg , Berlin, Heidelberg , 33--44. Maarten Keijzer and James Foster. 2007. Crossover Bias in Genetic Programming. In Genetic Programming, Marc Ebner, Michael O'Neill, Aniko Ekárt, Leonardo Vanneschi, and Anna Isabel Esparcia-Alcázar (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 33--44.
4. Evolving Simple Symbolic Regression Models by Multi-Objective Genetic Programming
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