1. University, Kerman, Iran
Transaction level modeling1 as a new step toward system level modeling is the desired level for hardware descriptors now a days. In the previous researches we have developed TLM-FIFO and TLM-Request-Response channels -two basic cannels of TLM- and some primary master-slave architectures using those implemented channels in Ada programming language for getting some simulation time results.
In this research we have developed TLM-Transport channel specification and body in Ada programming language. As before we have done some simulation tests in Gnat compiler and made some comparisons to its equivalent SystemC TLM model. Several experiments have been conducted to compare the efficiency of SystemAda versus SystemC TLM in two different platforms. Experimental results show that there is no and in the worst case not much simulation time overhead when using SystemAda as compared to SystemC TLM.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)