1. OSGi Alliance. 2009. OSGi-the dynamic module system for Java. accessed May Vol. 25 (2009). OSGi Alliance. 2009. OSGi-the dynamic module system for Java. accessed May Vol. 25 (2009).
2. MobiMash
3. Widgets and composition mechanism for service creation by ordinary users
4. Jeff McAffer Paul VanderLei and Simon Archer. 2010. OSGi and Equinox: Creating highly modular Java systems. Addison-Wesley Professional. Jeff McAffer Paul VanderLei and Simon Archer. 2010. OSGi and Equinox: Creating highly modular Java systems. Addison-Wesley Professional.
5. Shaileen Crawford Pokress and José Juan Dominguez Veiga. 2013. MIT App Inventor: Enabling personal mobile computing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.2830 (2013). Shaileen Crawford Pokress and José Juan Dominguez Veiga. 2013. MIT App Inventor: Enabling personal mobile computing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.2830 (2013).