1. Pablo Barros , Alessandra Sciutti , Anne C Bloem , Inge M Hootsmans , Lena M Opheij , Romain HA Toebosch, and Emilia Barakova . 2020 . It's Food Fight! Introducing the Chef's Hat Card Game for Affective-Aware HRI. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.11458 (2020). Pablo Barros, Alessandra Sciutti, Anne C Bloem, Inge M Hootsmans, Lena M Opheij, Romain HA Toebosch, and Emilia Barakova. 2020. It's Food Fight! Introducing the Chef's Hat Card Game for Affective-Aware HRI. arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.11458 (2020).
2. Sonia Chernova , Nick DePalma , Elisabeth Morant , and Cynthia Breazeal . 2011. Crowdsourcing human-robot interaction: Application from virtual to physical worlds. In 2011 RO-MAN . IEEE , 21--26. Sonia Chernova, Nick DePalma, Elisabeth Morant, and Cynthia Breazeal. 2011. Crowdsourcing human-robot interaction: Application from virtual to physical worlds. In 2011 RO-MAN. IEEE, 21--26.
3. "What Does Your Robot Do?" A Tabletop Role-Playing Game to Support Robot Design
4. Just follow the suit! Trust in human-robot interactions during card game playing
5. Nursing and human-computer interaction in healthcare robots for older people: An integrative review