1. Aseel Addawood , Adam Badawy , Kristina Lerman , and Emilio Ferrara . 2019 . Linguistic cues to deception: Identifying political trolls on social media . In Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media, Vol. 13 . 15–25. Aseel Addawood, Adam Badawy, Kristina Lerman, and Emilio Ferrara. 2019. Linguistic cues to deception: Identifying political trolls on social media. In Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media, Vol. 13. 15–25.
2. Silvio Amir Rámon Astudillo Wang Ling Paula C Carvalho and Mário J Silva. 2016. Expanding subjective lexicons for social media mining with embedding subspaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.00145(2016). Silvio Amir Rámon Astudillo Wang Ling Paula C Carvalho and Mário J Silva. 2016. Expanding subjective lexicons for social media mining with embedding subspaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.00145(2016).
3. Learning Word Representations from Scarce and Noisy Data with Embedding Subspaces
4. Automatic expansion of domain-specific lexicons by term categorization
5. EmoWordNet: Automatic Expansion of Emotion Lexicon Using English WordNet