Understanding the Long-Term Use of Smart Speaker Assistants


Bentley Frank1,Luvogt Chris1,Silverman Max1,Wirasinghe Rushani1,White Brooke1,Lottridge Danielle1


1. Oath, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA


Over the past two years the Ubicomp vision of ambient voice assistants, in the form of smart speakers such as the Amazon Echo and Google Home, has been integrated into tens of millions of homes. However, the use of these systems over time in the home has not been studied in depth. We set out to understand exactly what users are doing with these devices over time through analyzing voice history logs of 65,499 interactions with existing Google Home devices from 88 diverse homes over an average of 110 days. We found that specific types of commands were made more often at particular times of day and that commands in some domains increased in length over time as participants tried out new ways to interact with their devices, yet exploration of new topics was low. Four distinct user groups also emerged based on using the device more or less during the day vs. in the evening or using particular categories. We conclude by comparing smart speaker use to a similar study of smartphone use and offer implications for the design of new smart speaker assistants and skills, highlighting specific areas where both manufacturers and skill providers can focus in this domain.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Human-Computer Interaction

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