1. APOSTLE T M Mathematical Analysts Addison-Wesley Reading Mass 1957 APOSTLE T M Mathematical Analysts Addison-Wesley Reading Mass 1957
2. BALLANaYNE M Computer generation ofcounterexamples in topology Memo ATP 24 Math Dept U of Texas Austin. 1975 BALLANaYNE M Computer generation ofcounterexamples in topology Memo ATP 24 Math Dept U of Texas Austin. 1975
3. BALLANXYNE M Non-standard analysis Part 11 The metatheorlst ATP 30 Math Dept U of Texas Austin March 1976 BALLANXYNE M Non-standard analysis Part 11 The metatheorlst ATP 30 Math Dept U of Texas Austin March 1976
4. Splitting and reduction heuristics in automatic theorem proving