IconShop: Text-Guided Vector Icon Synthesis with Autoregressive Transformers


Wu Ronghuan1ORCID,Su Wanchao2ORCID,Ma Kede1ORCID,Liao Jing1ORCID


1. City University of Hong Kong, China

2. City University of Hong Kong, China and Monash University, Australia


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a popular vector image format that offers good support for interactivity and animation. Despite its appealing characteristics, creating custom SVG content can be challenging for users due to the steep learning curve required to understand SVG grammars or get familiar with professional editing software. Recent advancements in text-to-image generation have inspired researchers to explore vector graphics synthesis using either image-based methods (i.e., text → raster image → vector graphics) combining text-to-image generation models with image vectorization, or language-based methods (i.e., text → vector graphics script) through pretrained large language models. Nevertheless, these methods suffer from limitations in terms of generation quality, diversity, and flexibility. In this paper, we introduce IconShop, a text-guided vector icon synthesis method using autoregressive transformers. The key to success of our approach is to sequentialize and tokenize SVG paths (and textual descriptions as guidance) into a uniquely decodable token sequence. With that, we are able to exploit the sequence learning power of autoregressive transformers, while enabling both unconditional and text-conditioned icon synthesis. Through standard training to predict the next token on a large-scale vector icon dataset accompanied by textural descriptions, the proposed IconShop consistently exhibits better icon synthesis capability than existing image-based and language-based methods both quantitatively (using the FID and CLIP scores) and qualitatively (through formal subjective user studies). Meanwhile, we observe a dramatic improvement in generation diversity, which is validated by the objective Uniqueness and Novelty measures. More importantly, we demonstrate the flexibility of IconShop with multiple novel icon synthesis tasks, including icon editing, icon interpolation, icon semantic combination, and icon design auto-suggestion.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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