1. [n. d.]. About. https://www.igda.org/page/about [n. d.]. About. https://www.igda.org/page/about
2. Researching the “Un-Digital” Amish Community: Methodological and Ethical Reconsiderations for Human Subjects Research
3. Action Research and Wicked Environmental Problems
4. Richard Colby and Rebekah Shultz Colby. 2019. Game design documentation: Four perspectives from independent game studios. Communication Design Quarterly (May 2019). 10.1145/3321388.3321389 Richard Colby and Rebekah Shultz Colby. 2019. Game design documentation: Four perspectives from independent game studios. Communication Design Quarterly (May 2019). 10.1145/3321388.3321389
5. Sustainable Service Learning Programs