1. "Indian Road Industry Report7" - IBEF - Last accessed in September 2019. "Indian Road Industry Report7" - IBEF - Last accessed in September 2019.
2. "How Potholes and Bumps on roads may cause back pain in Youngsters" - Yashoda Hospitals - Last accessed in October 2019. "How Potholes and Bumps on roads may cause back pain in Youngsters" - Yashoda Hospitals - Last accessed in October 2019.
3. "The pothole problem in India: Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill is the need of the hour" - Media India - Last accessed in September 2019. "The pothole problem in India: Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill is the need of the hour" - Media India - Last accessed in September 2019.
4. Image-Based Pothole Detection System for ITS Service and Road Management System