1. Don’t Panic: Recursive Interactions in a Miniature Metaworld
2. Pierre Bourdieu . 2020. Outline of a Theory of Practice . In The new social theory reader . Routledge , 80–86. Pierre Bourdieu. 2020. Outline of a Theory of Practice. In The new social theory reader. Routledge, 80–86.
3. Junshen Chen , Marc Glover , Chenguang Yang , Chunxu Li , Zhijun Li , and Angelo Cangelosi . 2017. Development of an Immersive Interface for Robot Teleoperation . In Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, Yang Gao, Saber Fallah, Yaochu Jin, and Constantina Lekakou (Eds.). Springer International Publishing , Cham , 1–15. Junshen Chen, Marc Glover, Chenguang Yang, Chunxu Li, Zhijun Li, and Angelo Cangelosi. 2017. Development of an Immersive Interface for Robot Teleoperation. In Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, Yang Gao, Saber Fallah, Yaochu Jin, and Constantina Lekakou (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 1–15.
4. A Design Space Exploration of Worlds in Miniature
5. A Design Space Exploration of Worlds in Miniature