1. M. Abrams and D. Richardson . 1991. Implementing a global termination condition and collecting output measures in parallel simulation . In In Proceedings of SCS Multi-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Simulation. Society for Computer Simulation , San Diego, CA, USA, 86–91. M. Abrams and D. Richardson. 1991. Implementing a global termination condition and collecting output measures in parallel simulation. In In Proceedings of SCS Multi-Conference on Parallel and Distributed Simulation. Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, CA, USA, 86–91.
2. Consistent and efficient output-streams management in optimistic simulation platforms
3. Run-time selection of the checkpoint interval in Time Warp based simulations
4. Load Balancing Strategies for Time Warp on Multi-User Workstations
5. Efficient execution of Time Warp programs on heterogeneous, NOW platforms