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2. Matrix factorization techniques for context aware recommendation
3. Geoheritage and sport climbing activities: using the Montestrutto cliff (Austroalpine domain, Western Alps) as an example of scientific and educational representativeness
4. SanTour: Towards Personalized Recommendation of Hiking Trails to Health Profiles
5. Jean-Paul Calbimonte , Simon Martin , Davide Calvaresi , and Alexandre Cotting . 2021. A Platform for difficulty assessment and recommendation of hiking trails . In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021 . Springer International Publishing , Cham . Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Simon Martin, Davide Calvaresi, and Alexandre Cotting. 2021. A Platform for difficulty assessment and recommendation of hiking trails. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021. Springer International Publishing, Cham.