1. Interactive Constrained MAP-Elites: Analysis and Evaluation of the Expressiveness of the Feature Dimensions
2. Breeding diverse packings for the knapsack problem by means of diversity-tailored evolutionary algorithms
3. Evolutionary diversity optimization and the minimum spanning tree problem
4. Duc-Cuong Dang , Tobias Friedrich , Timo Kötzing , Martin S. Krejca , Per Kristian Lehre , Pietro S. Oliveto , Dirk Sudholt , and Andrew M. Sutton . 2016. Escaping local optima with diversity mechanisms and crossover . In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016 . ACM, 645--652. Duc-Cuong Dang, Tobias Friedrich, Timo Kötzing, Martin S. Krejca, Per Kristian Lehre, Pietro S. Oliveto, Dirk Sudholt, and Andrew M. Sutton. 2016. Escaping local optima with diversity mechanisms and crossover. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016. ACM, 645--652.
5. Escaping Local Optima Using Crossover With Emergent Diversity