1. Biometric Authentication and Identification Using Keystroke Dynamics: A Survey
2. Evaluating the Reliability of Credential Hardening through Keystroke Dynamics
3. BehavioSec. {n. d.}. Case study: Danske Bank BehavioWeb in a real world E-banking environment. http://www.cooper-engineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/behaviosec-case-study-behavioweb.pdf BehavioSec. {n. d.}. Case study: Danske Bank BehavioWeb in a real world E-banking environment. http://www.cooper-engineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/behaviosec-case-study-behavioweb.pdf
4. Google Drive Blog. {n. d.}. What's different about the new Google Docs: Making collaboration fast. https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/09/whats-different-about-new-google-docs.html Google Drive Blog. {n. d.}. What's different about the new Google Docs: Making collaboration fast. https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/09/whats-different-about-new-google-docs.html
5. Stacy Cowley. {n. d.}. Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type Swipe and Tap. ({n. d.}). https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/13/business/behavioral-biometrics-banks-security.html Stacy Cowley. {n. d.}. Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type Swipe and Tap. ({n. d.}). https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/13/business/behavioral-biometrics-banks-security.html