1. McSema: Framework for lifting x86 amd64 and aarch64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode. (2017). https://github.com/trailofbits/mcsema. McSema: Framework for lifting x86 amd64 and aarch64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode. (2017). https://github.com/trailofbits/mcsema.
2. Control-flow integrity
3. Alex Abramov. Manually Enumerating Process Modules. (2015). http://www.codereversing.com/blog/archives/265. Alex Abramov. Manually Enumerating Process Modules. (2015). http://www.codereversing.com/blog/archives/265.
4. A Framework for Detecting Network-based Code Injection Attacks Targeting Windows and UNIX