1. Less sickness with more motion and/or mental distraction
2. Jelte E Bos , Scott N MacKinnon , and Anthony Patterson . 2005. Motion sickness symptoms in a ship motion simulator: effects of inside, outside, and no view. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 76, 12 ( 2005 ), 1111–1118. Jelte E Bos, Scott N MacKinnon, and Anthony Patterson. 2005. Motion sickness symptoms in a ship motion simulator: effects of inside, outside, and no view. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine 76, 12 (2005), 1111–1118.
3. Th Brandt , Johannes Dichgans , and Ellen Koenig . 1973. Differential effects of central versus peripheral vision on egocentric and exocentric motion perception. Experimental brain research 16, 5 ( 1973 ), 476–491. Th Brandt, Johannes Dichgans, and Ellen Koenig. 1973. Differential effects of central versus peripheral vision on egocentric and exocentric motion perception. Experimental brain research 16, 5 (1973), 476–491.
4. RideVR: Reducing Sickness for In-Car Virtual Reality by Mixed-in Presentation of Motion Flow Information
5. A Review of Motion Sickness in Automated Vehicles