1. Emma Barnard , Chelsea R Brown , Tracey J Weiland , George A Jelinek , and Claudia H Marck . 2020. Understanding barriers, enablers, and long-term adherence to a health behavior intervention in people with multiple sclerosis. Disability and rehabilitation , Vol. 42 , 6 ( 2020 ), 822--832. Emma Barnard, Chelsea R Brown, Tracey J Weiland, George A Jelinek, and Claudia H Marck. 2020. Understanding barriers, enablers, and long-term adherence to a health behavior intervention in people with multiple sclerosis. Disability and rehabilitation , Vol. 42, 6 (2020), 822--832.
2. Large scale evaluation of corpus-based synthesizers: results and lessons from the blizzard challenge 2005
3. Choice of Voices
4. Julia Cambre and Chinmay Kulkarni . 2019 . One voice fits all? Social implications and research challenges of designing voices for smart devices . Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction , Vol. 3 , CSCW (2019), 1--19. Julia Cambre and Chinmay Kulkarni. 2019. One voice fits all? Social implications and research challenges of designing voices for smart devices. Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction, Vol. 3, CSCW (2019), 1--19.
5. Caitlyn Clabaugh , Kartik Mahajan , Shomik Jain , Roxanna Pakkar , David Becerra , Zhonghao Shi , Eric Deng , Rhianna Lee , Gisele Ragusa , and Maja Matarić . 2019. Long-term personalization of an in-home socially assistive robot for children with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Robotics and AI ( 2019 ), 110. Caitlyn Clabaugh, Kartik Mahajan, Shomik Jain, Roxanna Pakkar, David Becerra, Zhonghao Shi, Eric Deng, Rhianna Lee, Gisele Ragusa, and Maja Matarić. 2019. Long-term personalization of an in-home socially assistive robot for children with autism spectrum disorders. Frontiers in Robotics and AI (2019), 110.