1. How Do Brazilian Software Development Teams Deal with Working From Home After a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic?
2. How Human and Organizational Factors Influence Software Teams Productivity in COVID-19 Pandemic
3. CyberAgent. 2021. STF | Smartphone Test Farm. https://openstf.io/. CyberAgent. 2021. STF | Smartphone Test Farm. https://openstf.io/.
4. Rafael da Camara , Marcelo Marinho , Suzana Sampaio , and Saulo Cadete . 2020. How Do Agile Software Startups Deal with Uncertainties by Covid-19 Pandemic?International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 11, 4 (July 2020 ), 15–34. https://doi.org/10.5121/ijsea.2020.11402 10.5121/ijsea.2020.11402 Rafael da Camara, Marcelo Marinho, Suzana Sampaio, and Saulo Cadete. 2020. How Do Agile Software Startups Deal with Uncertainties by Covid-19 Pandemic?International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 11, 4 (July 2020), 15–34. https://doi.org/10.5121/ijsea.2020.11402
5. What has changed? The Impact of Covid Pandemic on the Technology and Innovation Management Research Agenda