PIMSAB: A P rocessing- I n- M emory System with S patially- A ware Communication and B it-Serial-Aware Computation


Ma Siyuan1ORCID,Mhatre Kaustubh2ORCID,Weng Jian3ORCID,Hanindhito Bagus4ORCID,Wang Zhengrong5ORCID,Nowatzki Tony5ORCID,John Lizy4ORCID,Arora Aman2ORCID


1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States

2. Arizona State University, Tempe, United States

3. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

4. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, United States

5. University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, United States


Bit-serial Processing-In-Memory (PIM) is an attractive paradigm for accelerator architectures, for parallel workloads such as Deep Learning (DL), because of its capability to achieve massive data parallelism at a low area overhead and provide orders-of-magnitude data movement savings by moving computational resources closer to the data. While many PIM architectures have been proposed, improvements are needed in communicating intermediate results to consumer kernels, for communication between tiles at scale, for reduction operations, and for efficiently performing bit-serial operations with constants. We present PIMSAB, a scalable architecture that provides a spatially aware communication network for efficient intra-tile and inter-tile data movement and provides efficient computation support for generally inefficient bit-serial compute patterns. Our architecture consists of a massive hierarchical array of compute-enabled SRAMs (CRAMs), which is codesigned with a compiler to achieve high utilization. The key novelties of our architecture are (1) in providing efficient support for spatially-aware communication by providing local H-tree network for reductions, by adding explicit hardware for shuffling operands, and by deploying systolic broadcasting, as well as (2) by taking advantage of the divisible nature of bit-serial computations through adaptive precision and efficient handling of constant operations. These innovations are integrated into a tensor expressions-based programming framework (including a compiler for easy programmability) that enables simple programmer control of optimizations for mapping programs into massively parallel binaries for millions of PIM processing elements. When compared against a similarly provisioned modern Tensor Core GPU (NVIDIA A100), across common DL kernels and end-to-end DL networks (Resnet18 and BERT), PIMSAB outperforms the GPU by 4.80 ×, and reduces energy by 3.76 ×. We compare PIMSAB with similarly provisioned state-of-the-art SRAM PIM (Duality Cache) and DRAM PIM (SIMDRAM), and observe a speedup of 3.7 × and 3.88 × respectively.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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5. CoMeFa: Compute-in-Memory Blocks for FPGAs








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