1. World explorer
2. J. Bernd etal The YLI-MED Corpus: Characteristics Procedures and Plans". In: (2015). arXiv: 1503.04250 {hepth}. J. Bernd et al. The YLI-MED Corpus: Characteristics Procedures and Plans". In: (2015). arXiv: 1503.04250 {hepth}.
3. Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs
4. Call for Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions. 2015. url: http://www.acmmm.org /2015/call-for-contributions/multimedia-grand-challenges/. Call for Multimedia Grand Challenge Solutions. 2015. url: http://www.acmmm.org /2015/call-for-contributions/multimedia-grand-challenges/.