1. Haptic Retargeting
2. Joshua H Bacon and Linda Shaw . 1982. Effect of conflict awareness on visual dominance. Perceptual and motor skills 54, 1 ( 1982 ), 263–267. Joshua H Bacon and Linda Shaw. 1982. Effect of conflict awareness on visual dominance. Perceptual and motor skills 54, 1 (1982), 263–267.
3. NormalTouch and TextureTouch
4. Katja Biermann , Frank Schmitz , Otto W Witte , Jürgen Konczak , Hans-Joachim Freund , and Alfons Schnitzler . 1998. Interaction of finger representation in the human first somatosensory cortex: a neuromagnetic study. Neuroscience letters 251, 1 ( 1998 ), 13–16. Katja Biermann, Frank Schmitz, Otto W Witte, Jürgen Konczak, Hans-Joachim Freund, and Alfons Schnitzler. 1998. Interaction of finger representation in the human first somatosensory cortex: a neuromagnetic study. Neuroscience letters 251, 1 (1998), 13–16.
5. Visual Touch in Virtual Environments: An Exploratory Study of Presence, Multimodal Interfaces, and Cross-Modal Sensory Illusions