1. London S. 2018. Blockchain explained: What it is and isn't and why it matters. McKinsey and company. London S. 2018. Blockchain explained: What it is and isn't and why it matters. McKinsey and company.
2. Lewis Anthony. 2018. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them. Mango Illustrated edition Florida. Lewis Anthony. 2018. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology that Powers Them. Mango Illustrated edition Florida.
3. Using Blockchain to Aggregate and Share Misconduct Issues across the Accounting Profession
4. The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
5. Tandulwadikar A. 2016. Blockchain in Banking: A Measured Approach. Cognizant Reports April 10. Tandulwadikar A. 2016. Blockchain in Banking: A Measured Approach. Cognizant Reports April 10.