1. Hollan J.D. Hutchins E. and Weitzman L. Steamer: An interactive inspectable simulation-based training system. Al Magazine (1984) 15--27. Hollan J.D. Hutchins E. and Weitzman L. Steamer: An interactive inspectable simulation-based training system. Al Magazine (1984) 15--27.
2. Moboard was a computer-based training system for radar navigation that Ed Hutchins and I designed. It incorporated insights from Ed's earlier ethnographic studies a graphical micro-world in which the student could explore the relationships between relative and absolute motion and a tutorial facility that allowed the student to move step-by-step through radar navigation procedures. This system reduced the failure rate in radar navigation courses from 30 to about 3 percent at the Operation Specialist School in San Diego CA. A reworked version of this program subsequently became standard refresher training for radar navigation aboard every ship in the U.S. Navy. Moboard was a computer-based training system for radar navigation that Ed Hutchins and I designed. It incorporated insights from Ed's earlier ethnographic studies a graphical micro-world in which the student could explore the relationships between relative and absolute motion and a tutorial facility that allowed the student to move step-by-step through radar navigation procedures. This system reduced the failure rate in radar navigation courses from 30 to about 3 percent at the Operation Specialist School in San Diego CA. A reworked version of this program subsequently became standard refresher training for radar navigation aboard every ship in the U.S. Navy.
3. An introduction to HITS: Human Interface Tool Suite
4. Direct Manipulation Interfaces