1. In-Vehicle Phone Localization for Prevention of Distracted Driving
2. IMU-Based Smartphone-to-Vehicle Positioning
3. Jie Yang , Simon Sidhom , Gayathri Chandrasekaran , Tam Vu , Hongbo Liu , Nicolae Cecan , Yingying Chen , Marco Gruteser , and Richard P Martin . 2011. Detecting driver phone use leveraging car speakers . In 17th ACM MobiCom. 97--108. Jie Yang, Simon Sidhom, Gayathri Chandrasekaran, Tam Vu, Hongbo Liu, Nicolae Cecan, Yingying Chen, Marco Gruteser, and Richard P Martin. 2011. Detecting driver phone use leveraging car speakers. In 17th ACM MobiCom. 97--108.