1. Amazon. 2021. All-new Echo (4th Gen) | With premium sound smart home hub and Alexa. https://www.amazon.com/All-New-Echo-4th-Gen/dp/B07XKF5RM3. Amazon. 2021. All-new Echo (4th Gen) | With premium sound smart home hub and Alexa. https://www.amazon.com/All-New-Echo-4th-Gen/dp/B07XKF5RM3.
2. Apple. 2021a. HomeKit | Developing Apps and Accessories for the Home. https://developer.apple.com/homekit/. Apple. 2021a. HomeKit | Developing Apps and Accessories for the Home. https://developer.apple.com/homekit/.
3. Apple. 2021b. HomePod. https://www.apple.com/homepod/. Apple. 2021b. HomePod. https://www.apple.com/homepod/.
4. Connectivity Standards Alliance. 2021. Matter is the Foundation for Connected Things. https://buildwithmatter.com/. Connectivity Standards Alliance. 2021. Matter is the Foundation for Connected Things. https://buildwithmatter.com/.
5. Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Networks: A Survey