1. M. Almeda J. Zuech R. Baker C. Utz G. Higgins and R. Reynolds. In press. Predicting student achievement from online interaction in a mixed for-credit/open course. To appear in Online Learning. M. Almeda J. Zuech R. Baker C. Utz G. Higgins and R. Reynolds. In press. Predicting student achievement from online interaction in a mixed for-credit/open course. To appear in Online Learning.
2. Classes of small-world networks
3. Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks
4. L. Breslow D. E. Pritchard J. DeBoer G. S. Stump A. D. Ho and D. T. Seaton. 2013. Studying learning in the worldwide classroom: Research into edX's first MOOC. Research & Practice in Assessment 8 (Summer 2013) 13--25. L. Breslow D. E. Pritchard J. DeBoer G. S. Stump A. D. Ho and D. T. Seaton. 2013. Studying learning in the worldwide classroom: Research into edX's first MOOC. Research & Practice in Assessment 8 (Summer 2013) 13--25.