Smart Proofs via Recursive Information Gathering: Decentralized Refereeing by Smart Contracts


Carré Sylvain1,Gabriel Franck2,Hongler Clément3,Lacerda Gustavo4,Capano Gloria5


1. Université Paris-Dauphine, Université PSL, LEDa, CNRS, IRD, France

2. Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratoire de Sciences Actuarielle et Financière LSAF, ISFA, France

3. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Institute of Mathematics, Chair of Statistical Field Theory, Switzerland

4. Independent, USA

5. Independent, Switzerland


We introduce the SPRIG (Smart Proofs via Recursive Information Gathering) protocol. SPRIG allows agents to propose, question, and defend mathematical proofs in a decentralized fashion. A structure of stakes and bounties aims at producing debates in good faith and if those persist, they must go down to machine-level details, where they can be settled automatically. This combination of economic incentives and an oracle is designed to promote succinct and informative proofs. SPRIG can run autonomously as a smart contract on a blockchain platform, and hence it does not rely on a central trusted institution. We translate SPRIG into a general game-theoretic model and prove that the protocol satisfies two desirable properties: no spamming and monotonicity. We then characterize analytically the equilibrium of a simple two-player specification of the model: this provides important insights into the impact of the protocol’s parameters on the probabilities that it induces type I/II errors. We conclude by discussing the main attacks SPRIG’s designers will need to take into account.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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