1. E. Amiri and G. Tardos . 2009. High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity . In SODA 2009 . 336--345. E. Amiri and G. Tardos. 2009. High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity. In SODA 2009. 336--345.
2. Improved versions of Tardos’ fingerprinting scheme
3. A. Charpentier , C. Fontaine , T. Furon , and I.J. Cox . 2011. An asymmetric fingerprinting scheme based on Tardos codes . In Information Hiding 2011 (LNCS , Vol. 6958). Springer, 43-- 58 . A. Charpentier, C. Fontaine, T. Furon, and I.J. Cox. 2011. An asymmetric fingerprinting scheme based on Tardos codes. In Information Hiding 2011 (LNCS, Vol. 6958). Springer, 43--58.
4. A. Charpentier F. Xie C. Fontaine and T. Furon. 2009. Expectation maximization decoding of Tardos probabilistic fingerprinting code. In SPIE Media Forensics and Security 2009. 72540. A. Charpentier F. Xie C. Fontaine and T. Furon. 2009. Expectation maximization decoding of Tardos probabilistic fingerprinting code. In SPIE Media Forensics and Security 2009. 72540.
5. T. Furon and M. Desoubeaux . 2014. Tardos codes for real . In IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2014 . T. Furon and M. Desoubeaux. 2014. Tardos codes for real. In IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2014.