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2. Mohammad Alizadeh, Tom Edsall, Sarang Dharmapurikar, Ramanan Vaidyanathan, Kevin Chu, Andy Fingerhut, Vinh The Lam, Francis Matus, Rong Pan, Navindra Yadav, and George Varghese. 2014. CONGA: Distributed Congestion-Aware Load Balancing for Datacenters. In SIGCOMM.
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4. Sebastian Angel Hitesh Ballani Thomas Karagiannis Greg O'Shea and Eno Thereska. 2014. End-to-end Performance Isolation Through Virtual Datacenters. In OSDI.
5. Hitesh Ballani Paolo Costa Thomas Karagiannis and Ant Rowstron. 2011. Towards Predictable Datacenter Networks. In SIGCOMM.