1. Visualization Literacy at Elementary School
2. Chiara Ambrosio . 2014. Objectivity and representative practices across artistic and scientific visualization . In Visualization in the age of computerization . Routledge , 118–144. Chiara Ambrosio. 2014. Objectivity and representative practices across artistic and scientific visualization. In Visualization in the age of computerization. Routledge, 118–144.
3. Benedict Anderson . 2006. Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism . Verso books. Benedict Anderson. 2006. Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. Verso books.
4. Rudolf Arnheim . 1947. Perceptual abstraction and art.Psychological Review 54, 2 ( 1947 ), 66. Rudolf Arnheim. 1947. Perceptual abstraction and art.Psychological Review 54, 2 (1947), 66.
5. Rudolf Arnheim. 1969. Visual Thinking University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles(1969). Rudolf Arnheim. 1969. Visual Thinking University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles(1969).