Optimal Bounds for Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms and Streaming Problems with Subconstant Error


Jayram T. S.1,Woodruff David P.1


1. IBM Almaden


The Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform is a dimensionality reduction technique with a wide range of applications to theoretical computer science. It is specified by a distribution over projection matrices from R n → R k where k n and states that k = O ( ε −2 log 1/ δ ) dimensions suffice to approximate the norm of any fixed vector in R n to within a factor of 1 ± ε with probability at least 1 − δ . In this article, we show that this bound on k is optimal up to a constant factor, improving upon a previous Ω (( ε −2 log 1/ δ )/log(1/ ε )) dimension bound of Alon. Our techniques are based on lower bounding the information cost of a novel one-way communication game and yield the first space lower bounds in a data stream model that depend on the error probability δ . For many streaming problems, the most naïve way of achieving error probability δ is to first achieve constant probability, then take the median of O (log 1/ δ ) independent repetitions. Our techniques show that for a wide range of problems, this is in fact optimal! As an example, we show that estimating the ℓ p -distance for any p  ∈ [0,2] requires Ω ( ε −2 log n log 1/ δ ) space, even for vectors in {0,1} n . This is optimal in all parameters and closes a long line of work on this problem. We also show the number of distinct elements requires Ω ( ε −2 log 1/ δ + log n ) space, which is optimal if ε −2 = Ω (log n ). We also improve previous lower bounds for entropy in the strict turnstile and general turnstile models by a multiplicative factor of Ω (log 1/ δ ). Finally, we give an application to one-way communication complexity under product distributions, showing that, unlike the case of constant δ , the VC-dimension does not characterize the complexity when δ  =  o (1).


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Mathematics (miscellaneous)

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