1. 2023. Emojiscore. https://emojiscore.com/. Accessed: 12th October 2023 . 2023. Emojiscore. https://emojiscore.com/. Accessed: 12th October 2023.
2. 2023. Prolific · Quickly find research participants you can trust. https://www.prolific.co/. Accessed: 12th October 2023 . 2023. Prolific · Quickly find research participants you can trust. https://www.prolific.co/. Accessed: 12th October 2023.
3. The Use of Emoji in Electronic User Experience Questionnaire: An Exploratory Case Study
4. Exploring and Understanding Participants’ Perceptions of Facial Emoji Likert Scales in Online Surveys
5. Hamza Alshenqeeti. 2016. Are emojis creating a new or old visual language for new generations? A socio-semiotic study. (2016) 14 pages. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3709343 Hamza Alshenqeeti. 2016. Are emojis creating a new or old visual language for new generations? A socio-semiotic study. (2016) 14 pages. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3709343