Virtual worlds as a medium for advertising


Barnes Stuart1


1. University of East Anglia


Online virtual worlds, such as Second Life, are rapidly becoming recognized as a technology of substantial future importance for marketers and advertisers. Many of these virtual worlds provide the potential medium for very rich and varied new and enhanced modes of advertising--all in one online channel. Such varied advertising experiences can be immersive or absorptive, active or passive. Potential modes of advertising include product placement of 3-D objects (such as brand-name clothing), billboards, radio, musical performances, movies and videos, advergames (typically mini-worlds or mini-games) and cross-promotional offers and activities. Little is known about the effectiveness of advertising in virtual worlds on purchasing intention towards a product. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of advertising in virtual worlds and to create an agenda for future experimental research in this exceptionally new domain. As a result, we hope to encourage others to begin to further engage in research on this topic over the period from 2007-2014.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Management Information Systems

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