1. Retention in Online Courses
2. Richard A DeMillo . 2015. Revolution in higher education: How a small band of innovators will make college accessible and affordable . Mit Press . Richard A DeMillo. 2015. Revolution in higher education: How a small band of innovators will make college accessible and affordable. Mit Press.
3. Pamela A Dupin-Bryant . 2004. Pre-entry variables related to retention in online distance education. The American journal of distance education 18, 4 ( 2004 ), 199--206. Pamela A Dupin-Bryant. 2004. Pre-entry variables related to retention in online distance education. The American journal of distance education 18, 4 (2004), 199--206.
4. A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention. V. Comparisons with Traditionally-Taught Students
5. Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions Regarding Factors That Affect Student Retention in Online Education