1. EVANS G. WALLACE G. F. AND SUTHERLAND G. L. Simutatwn Using Dgital Computers. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1967. EVANS G. WALLACE G. F. AND SUTHERLAND G. L. Simutatwn Using Dgital Computers. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1967.
2. GORDON G. System Simulation. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1969. The simulation of both discrete and continuous systems is discussed. The first two chapters deal with the nature and concepts oI systems modeling and simulation and are followed by three chapters oil continuous systems simulation~ A chapter introducing discrete system simulation describes a telephone system model; subsequent chapters introduce simulation with FORTBAN GPSS (the author is the originator of GPSS) and SIMSCRIPT and show the application of these languages to this model. Other chapters discuss the generation of random variables and the verification of simulation results. GORDON G. System Simulation. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1969. The simulation of both discrete and continuous systems is discussed. The first two chapters deal with the nature and concepts oI systems modeling and simulation and are followed by three chapters oil continuous systems simulation~ A chapter introducing discrete system simulation describes a telephone system model; subsequent chapters introduce simulation with FORTBAN GPSS (the author is the originator of GPSS) and SIMSCRIPT and show the application of these languages to this model. Other chapters discuss the generation of random variables and the verification of simulation results.
3. MxzE J. H. Am) Cox J. G. Essentials of Simulation. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1968. MxzE J. H. Am) Cox J. G. Essentials of Simulation. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N. J. 1968.