1. Ubibus: Ubiquitous Computing to Help Blind People in Public Transport
2. Berkeley Motes. www.xbow.com/Products/Wireless_Sensor_Networks.htm. Berkeley Motes. www.xbow.com/Products/Wireless_Sensor_Networks.htm.
3. Coroama V. Kapic T. and Röthenbacher F. Improving the Reality Perception of Visually Impaired through Pervasive Computing. Advances in Pervasive Computing OCG Press (2004). Coroama V. Kapic T. and Röthenbacher F. Improving the Reality Perception of Visually Impaired through Pervasive Computing. Advances in Pervasive Computing OCG Press (2004).
4. Hitachi μ-Chip. www.hitachi.co.jp/Prod/mu-chip/. Hitachi μ-Chip. www.hitachi.co.jp/Prod/mu-chip/.