1. Alexandr Andoni, Zhao Song, Clifford Stein, Zhengyu Wang, and Peilin Zhong. 2018. Parallel Graph Connectivity in Log Diameter Rounds. In 59th IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS 2018, Paris, France, October 7--9, 2018. 674--685.
2. Massively Parallel Algorithms for Finding Well-Connected Components in Sparse Graphs
3. New Connectivity and MSF Algorithms for Shuffle-Exchange Network and PRAM
4. Alkida Balliu, Rustam Latypov, Yannic Maus, Dennis Olivetti, and Jara Uitto. 2023. Optimal Deterministic Massively Parallel Connectivity on Forests. In ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA23).
5. Optimal bounds for decision problems on the CRCW PRAM