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2. Cognitive Limits of Software Cost Estimation
3. Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review
4. Barry Boehm and Richard Turner. 2003. Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed. Addison-Wesley Professional. Barry Boehm and Richard Turner. 2003. Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed. Addison-Wesley Professional.
5. Barry Boehm and Richard Turner. 2005. Management challenges to implementing agile processes in traditional development organizations. IEEE software 22 5 (2005) 30--39. 10.1109/MS.2005.129 Barry Boehm and Richard Turner. 2005. Management challenges to implementing agile processes in traditional development organizations. IEEE software 22 5 (2005) 30--39. 10.1109/MS.2005.129