Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Reference9 articles.
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3. A. Lécuyer, J.-M. Burkhardt, and L. Etienne. Feeling bumps and holes without a haptic interface: the perception of pseudo-haptic textures. InProceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, pages 239--246. ACM, 2004.
4. A. Lecuyer, S. Coquillart, A. Kheddar, P. Richard, and P. Coiffet. Pseudo-haptic feedback: can isometric input devices simulate force feedback? InVirtual Reality, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE, pages 83--90. IEEE, 2000.
5. P. Punpongsanon, D. Iwai, and K. Sato. Softar: Visually manipulating haptic softness perception in spatial augmented reality.Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 21(11):1279--1288, 2015.
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3 articles.