1. CHAITIN G.J. Information-theoretic aspects of Post's construction of a simple set. On the difficulty of generating all binary strings of complexity less than n. (Abstracts.) AMS Notices 19 (1972) pp. A-712 A-764. CHAITIN G.J. Information-theoretic aspects of Post's construction of a simple set. On the difficulty of generating all binary strings of complexity less than n. (Abstracts.) AMS Notices 19 (1972) pp. A-712 A-764.
2. On the greatest natural number of definitional or information complexity __<n. There are few minimal descriptions. (Abstracts.) Recursive Function Theory;CHAITIN G.J;Newsletter,1973
3. Method in the physical sciences. J. yon Neumann--Collecfed Works, Vol. VI, A. H. Taub, Ed., MacMillan;NEUMANN J;New York,1963