1. Noah Bühlmann and Mohammad Ghafari. 2021. How do developers deal with security issue reports on GitHub? Online auxiliary materials. https://osf.io/y4esu/?view_only=2b7ce43eab49406f846ffd37c0ef1961 Noah Bühlmann and Mohammad Ghafari. 2021. How do developers deal with security issue reports on GitHub? Online auxiliary materials. https://osf.io/y4esu/?view_only=2b7ce43eab49406f846ffd37c0ef1961
2. Heartbleed 101
3. Jacob Cohen . 2013. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (zeroth ed.) . Routledge , Abingdon-on- Thames, England . Jacob Cohen. 2013. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (zeroth ed.). Routledge, Abingdon-on-Thames, England.
4. Security code smells in Android ICC
5. Web APIs in Android through the Lens of Security