1. 2020 IoT Threat Report. Accessed 2021. 2020 Unit 42 IoT Threat Report. https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/iot-threat-report-2020/. 2020 IoT Threat Report. Accessed 2021. 2020 Unit 42 IoT Threat Report. https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/iot-threat-report-2020/.
2. Aliyun IoT Platform. Accessed 2021. Aliyun IoT Platform. https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/product/30520.htm?spm=a3c0i.20928573.4982687050.1.6df910c11MaLcJ. Aliyun IoT Platform. Accessed 2021. Aliyun IoT Platform. https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/product/30520.htm?spm=a3c0i.20928573.4982687050.1.6df910c11MaLcJ.
3. Aliyun Linkkit SDK. Accessed 2021. Aliyun Linkkit SDK. https://github.com/aliyun/iotkit-embedded. Aliyun Linkkit SDK. Accessed 2021. Aliyun Linkkit SDK. https://github.com/aliyun/iotkit-embedded.
4. Improved IoT Device Authentication Scheme Using Device Capability and Digital Signatures
5. IoT Security and Privacy Issues