1. O. Sohaib and K. Khan , " Integrating usability engineering and agile software development: A literature review," 2010 Int . Conf. Comput. Des. Appl. ICCDA 2010 , vol. 2 , no. Iccda , pp. V2 - 32 --V2-38, 2010 . O. Sohaib and K. Khan, "Integrating usability engineering and agile software development: A literature review," 2010 Int. Conf. Comput. Des. Appl. ICCDA 2010, vol. 2, no. Iccda, pp. V2-32--V2-38, 2010.
2. T. S. Da Silva , A. Martin , F. Maurer , and M. Silveira , " User-centered design and agile methods: A systematic review," Proc. - 2011 Agil . Conf. Agil. 2011 , pp. 77 -- 86 , 2011 . T. S. Da Silva, A. Martin, F. Maurer, and M. Silveira, "User-centered design and agile methods: A systematic review," Proc. - 2011 Agil. Conf. Agil. 2011, pp. 77--86, 2011.
3. The evolution of agile UXD
4. 14th annual STATE OF AGILE REPORT;Annu. Rep. STATE Agil.,2020
5. Usability in agile software development: A tertiary study