1. Josep Balasch , Benedikt Gierlichs , Vincent Grosso , Oscar Reparaz , and François-Xavier Standaert . 2014 . On the Cost of Lazy Engineering for Masked Software Implementations. In International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) , Vol. 8968 . 64--81. Josep Balasch, Benedikt Gierlichs, Vincent Grosso, Oscar Reparaz, and François-Xavier Standaert. 2014. On the Cost of Lazy Engineering for Masked Software Implementations. In International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Vol. 8968. 64--81.
2. maskVerif: Automated Verification of Higher-Order Masking in Presence of Physical Defaults
3. Gilles Barthe , Sonia Balaïd , Fraonçois Dupressoir , Pierre-Alan Fouque , Benjamin Grégoire , Pierre-Yves Strub , and Rébecca Zucchini . 2016 . Strong Non-Interference and Type-Directed Higher-Order Masking. In ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer Communications Security. 116--129 . Gilles Barthe, Sonia Balaïd, Fraonçois Dupressoir, Pierre-Alan Fouque, Benjamin Grégoire, Pierre-Yves Strub, and Rébecca Zucchini. 2016. Strong Non-Interference and Type-Directed Higher-Order Masking. In ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer Communications Security. 116--129.
4. Parallel Implementations of Masking Schemes and the Bounded Moment Leakage Model
5. Masking in Fine-Grained Leakage Models: Construction, Implementation and Verification