1. 2018. GitHub Survived the Biggest DDoS Attack Ever Recorded. https://bit.ly/3ByHVj8. 2018. GitHub Survived the Biggest DDoS Attack Ever Recorded. https://bit.ly/3ByHVj8.
2. 2019. ACL TCAM and LOUs in Catalyst 6500. https://bit.ly/3bgRQyF 2019. ACL TCAM and LOUs in Catalyst 6500. https://bit.ly/3bgRQyF
3. 2019. Catalyst 7000 Troubleshooting TechNotes. https://bit.ly/2RGC49z 2019. Catalyst 7000 Troubleshooting TechNotes. https://bit.ly/2RGC49z
4. 2020. 10k Device Family - Switch Architecture Specification. Barefoot Networks. 2020. 10k Device Family - Switch Architecture Specification. Barefoot Networks.
5. 2020. The P4 Language Consortium. https://github.com/p4lang/switch 2020. The P4 Language Consortium. https://github.com/p4lang/switch